Save for Your Future
Your funds are secure and your contributions and earnings may be tax-deferred depending on which type of IRA you choose. No monthly contribution is required and you may invest in a variety of savings or certificate accounts designed to fit your needs.
We offer Traditional and Roth IRA share certificates each with a minimum opening balance of $1,000. Plus, all of the other great options come with all of the PFCU IRA accounts.
A $100 minimum balance to open our IRA share account.
No monthly fees.
Contributions may be made in "lump sums" or by regular deposits to the IRA Share throughout the year.
Dividends are paid quarterly.
IRA Share Certificates are also available with a minimum deposit of $1000 for Traditional and Roth IRA accounts; with terms available from 3 months to 5 years.
A traditional IRA is an account that allows you to defer taxes on your earnings until they are withdrawn. Also, certain contributions may be tax deductible in the year they are made. You can earn even higher dividends with an IRA Share Certificate. IRA Share Certificates are available with a minimum deposit of $1,000. Higher yields are available for larger deposits and longer terms. Plus, look at all the other features you'll enjoy with a Parishioners Traditional IRA Account:
Possible tax deductible contributions.
Tax deferred dividends until withdrawal.
There are no fees for maintenance of an IRA.
Invest in a variety of Certificates: with terms 3, 6 months, 1,2, 3 years at a fixed rate or our IRA passbook account.
No penalty for withdrawals for special circumstances such as a first time home purchase or education expenses.
Customized distributions in the form of lump sums or monthly, quarterly or annual payments.
Accounts at Parishioners are federally insured up to $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), a U.S. Government Agency.